Elite Level 3 S3nior SWAT
This team. These girls… where to begin. We knew taking on a new division and level wasn’t going to be easy but they took this challenge head-on. Everything was new. The stunts, the tumbling, everything. With every season, there are obstacles and challenges to be faced but this one seemed to have a few more than others. This did not faze them one bit. Their resiliency and determination kept them focused and open-minded with every new formation or stunt group.
We couldn’t be more proud of these senior level 3 SWAT ladies! They ended their season at the All Star Worlds in Orlando, FL with a routine that left their coaches with tears of joy and beaming with pride. To see the smiles on the girls as they walked off the mat knowing they did everything they could is all we ever could have asked for! Although they didn’t make it to finals, we couldn’t be more proud of these athletes. We are ending this season with our heads held high and even hungrier for the next … watch out world… these girls don’t give up easy.
This season, they earned 4 first-place division finishes, 2 level over all first-place finishes, 1 All Star Grand Champion title, Best tumbling award, Overall judges choice award and recieved 2 At Large bids to the All Star Worlds!